Carpet Repair
Step 1 - Remove the burnt section. Use a pair of manicure scissors to cut the carpet fibers that are burnt. Don't just clip the top of the fibers, but really cut down to the quick. This will help the new fibers adhere better later on.
Step 2 - Remove any remaining burn. If you can still see remnants of the burn, use a pair of tweezers to tweeze out any remaining fibers. Throw them away.
Step 3 - Find a carpet scrap. To get carpet fibers of the identical color of your existing carpeting, you'll want to snip a small amount from an unseen section. You can get it from inside a closet, underneath a solid piece of furniture, or from a leftover piece of carpet.
Step 4 - Snip new fibers. Again, use a pair of manicure scissors to carefully snip off clean fibers from the carpet scrap. You'll need enough fibers to fill in the empty hole left behind by the burn.
Step 5 - Apply the adhesive. Carpet adhesive is available at any home improvement store, and comes in small pint and quart sizes. This small size is all you'll need to repair a small burn hole. In fact, you'll have quite a bit leftover for another use. Apply the adhesive with a Q-tip, or the tip of a screwdriver. You won't need much - about the size of a dime.
Step 6 - Attach the new carpet. Use a pair of tweezers to gently place the new fibers in place. Fill-in the hole completely; it's best to use more fibers that you think you need.
Step 7 - Let the adhesive dry. Consult the adhesive packaging for proper dry time, and let it set. Place a heavy object, such as a book, on top of the patch.
Step 8 - Fluff the carpet. When the adhesive is completely dry, remove the heavy object and fluff the carpet with a soft-bristled brush. You may see some of the fibers come loose, which is fine. That's why we use more fibers than necessary.
Now, you should have a seamless repair to the burnt area. To keep your carpet looking its best, vacuum it regularly and keep guests outdoors.
Source: examiner
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Carpet Repair.
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