Fantastic Floors
What are the pros and cons of a dark floor?
- Modern elegance: Although all wooden flooring gives a timeless appearance, dark flooring is the more modern choice. In decades gone by, people would more frequently choose light color hardwood floors for their homes. Now, however, dark hardwoods are the first option.
- No fading: Dark hardwood flooring is light absorbent. Wood can be photosensitive, which can lead to color changes. With light hardwood floors, this change can be noticeable and any darkening or lightening may be very visible. However, dark hardwoods absorb light and are less prone to color changes. This makes them a great choice as you’ll need to retouch your floors less often.
- Visible wood grain: A dark floor stain will reveal the grain of your wood more readily than a light wooden floor. This makes an attractive feature as the striking wood pattern stands out. Dark wood floors such as ebony wood floors or dark mahogany floors create a dramatic (and very attractive) impact in any home.
- Attractive Backdrop: A dark wood color makes an attractive backdrop for decorating. Bold colors will stand out against a dark wood floor, while bright or light colors will give an attractive contrast. When it comes to decorating, you can’t beat the impact of a dark hardwood floor.
- Visible scratches: Dark hardwood and black hardwood flooring often show scratches more easily. This is particularly true when scratches are deep. Many hardwood floors use a wood stain, and a deep scratch may reveal the light wood underneath. Looking after your floor well will reduce the likelihood of deep scratches. This Old English scratch cover will help you to repair any scratches you do have.
- Marks and spots: dark hardwood floors often show dust or spots. This is important to remember if you have pets. Your floor may need to be frequently swept or mopped down in order to remain pristine. I recommend the Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Spray. It does wonders.
Some people say that dark wood floors make your room look smaller. However, this is only true if you use dark furnishings or wall colors in combination with your dark wood flooring. If you use light furnishings or wall colors, your room will look larger and the colors will contrast to give a sense of space.
Source: impressiveinteriordesign
About Fantastic Floors, Inc. We are a successful company with more than 25 years of experience in the market. We have the infrastructure, high quality equipment, materials and supplies to achieve and exceed the expectations of our customers, allowing us to gain the confidence and loyalty for our services. We have more than 500 residential, 300 properties and 25 commercial customers totally satisfied with our services.
Fantastic Floors
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