How to Shop your Tile?

The Exact Floor for Your Home

Here's how to read a ceramic tile box and get exactly what you need.

There's a lot more to buying ceramic tile than finding a color and pattern that will work in a room. Every tile manufactured and sold has an intended use, and that intended use is made pretty clear on the label of a box of tile. However, it's always in code. Understanding this code will go a long way to helping you buy the ceramic tile that's right for your project, and it may even save you money.

Ratings. There are four or five ratings categories listed on every box of ceramic tile.

Grade. The first category is a tile's grade. A tile will have a grade from one to three. Grade one is the highest quality, grade two is similar to grade one but it will almost always be less expensive. Grades one and two are suitable for floors. Grade three tile aren't heavy-duty enough to walk on, and they're only intended to be used on walls.

Wear rating. The second category is something called a PEI rating. PEI stands for the Porcelain and Enamel Institute's wear rating.

Water-absorption rate. Another important category to consider when you're looking at ceramic tile is its water absorption rate or W.A. A tile's W.A. rating will tell you if a tile you're considering is the right tile to use in a wet area or outdoors.

Slip resistance. Another important rating is a given tile's coefficient of friction.

Source: houzz

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Porcelain tile flooring.

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