Tips To Quicken Floor Screed Drying Times

Ceramic tile Installers

For any project managers out there, if there is screed slated for construction, the process occurs in stages. The first stage is to allow the screed to dry on its own for seven days. Thereafter, the screed requires some help in the form of latiance layer removal, and the addition of dehumidifiers to remove any excess moisture from the air.

After approximately 7 days, the top layer will likely have dried. The issue is that the underlying screed is then robbed of the air it needs to dry. Remove this top-most latiance layer to improve drying times.

Then, employ dehumidifiers to remove moisture from the air. That results in having dry air to dry the screed. The major forewarning in this is that the dehumidifier’s water collection must be enclosed as to not re-introduce moisture into the air in the process.

From there, use force drying by increasing system water temperature by 5ºC increments to 25ºC for 3 days. Increase temperature an additional 5ºC incrementally for 4 more days up to 55ºC on calcium sulphate. When it is complete, return temperatures to normal prior to finishing the floor

Source: freetoliveyourdream

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Ceramic tile Installers.

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