The Best Carpet for Baby's Room

Top Rated Carpet Installation

With all the floor covering options available today, carpet remains the best choice for a baby’s room for a couple of reasons. Firstly – and obviously – carpet is soft. When the baby begins crawling around on the floor, you want something soft to protect little knees, and as the baby grows into toddler, carpet provides a nice cushion to break the inevitable falls. Secondly, carpet is one of the best floor covering materials for indoor air quality, despite many rumors to the contrary.

Installing Carpet Over Carpet: Advisable or a Bad Idea?

Carpet Installation

On the face of it, installing carpet over carpet does have many advantages. It saves on the cost and labor of pulling up and disposing of the existing carpet, keeping carpet waste materials out of the landfill. When the existing carpet is glued down, not tacked, this can be a huge time-saver, since glued carpet is expensive and time-consuming to pull up. Finally, leaving existing carpet provides one extra layer of insulation for cold floors.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Prefinished Hardwood Floors

Professional Floor Installation

Traditionally, hardwood flooring is installed as unfinished planks that are then stained and finished with a protective surface layer on-site. More recently, many manufacturers have begun to offer prefinished hardwood flooring products that arrive with finishing treatments already applied to hardwood materials in order to protect them against stains, discolorations and water penetration. There are certain advantages to purchasing and installing prefinished hardwood flooring, as well as several drawbacks.

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